Another closing and more gratitude for the young couple who chose Ocean Roads Realty and Marie Theriault to assist them with their first home purchase. After reflecting upon the joy that this couple exhibited, the decision was made to donate to a small but significant local non-profit that assists individuals and families who have never experienced this type of joy before they discovered Open Doors RI ( While thinking of what I wanted to write, the word Fate came to mind. This word originates from Greek & Roman Mythology and may be defined as the development of events beyond a person's control. Though "fate, destiny, or karma" is still thought of as mythology to many people, each and every one of us is vulnerable to changed circumstances in life. Open Doors is a community based organization that supports formerly incarcerated individuals who are committed to positive change. The mission of Open Doors emphasizes success verses failure by stabilizing families, reducing recidivism, and reinvesting in the community via education, job training, and housing. I am also very grateful to Nick Horton, a brilliant and compassionate man who attended Brown University when I first met him as a volunteer for Open Doors many years ago. Nick chose to dedicate his life to those that are less fortunate and to assist individuals with positive, happy, and beneficial change - which brings me back to my favorite synonym for the word fate - serendipity. I am certain that Nick understands the luxury of giving back.
Giving Back is the New Luxury February 2017